Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Week 13

Week 13 has begun!

We are nearing the end of the first trimester and Jenn is finally getting comfortable sharing the big news! We still have a few more friends and family to tell late next week, so until then, mums the word!

Jenn is feeling great, other than some exhaustion now and then. No weight gain yet either, but the belly is taking on a new form day by day. The food aversions are starting to find their way into the diet. We went for Mexican (my fav!) with my Dad on Friday night, and all I could eat was the queso, everything else tasted wierd. This is about the 3rd attempt at Mexican with the same results. Grilled cheese sandwhiches and Peanut butter sandwhiches are my friend!

Greg is reading up and is well on his way to becoming educated in the world of pregnancy and birth! He's excited about the changes/developments each week and excited to find out if we're having a boy or a girl!

We had a lovely Memorial Day weekend! Lots accomplished including the kitchen design! WOO HOO! This turned into a five hour adventure at Home Depot but was well worth it. We are on our way to re-doing the kitchen! Yesterday we chilled by the pool and made some new friends after Greg worked the morning and Jenn did LOADS of laundry!

Jenn travels for a daytrip to Atlanta on Friday and will get to see her old roommates!

Next week is our 2nd Dr.'s appointment! So fast the time is flying!